Test Validation & Analysis Program 7.0
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Test Validation & Analysis Program 7.0

It's designed to help professional to aid on developping written tests
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7.0.1 See all
Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
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The Test Validation & Analysis Program (TVAP) includes two Excel Workbooks that are designed to be used by personnel professionals to aid in developing and validating written tests that address professional standards, the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978), and relevant court cases.
The Test Validation & Analysis Program includes:
- 50-page Instruction Manual including directions, references, and appendices (including a Manual for writing better test items and for conducting effective Angoff Panels).
- Test Item Survey that can be completed by subject-matter experts to gather validation evidence for written tests (14 questions are included that are designed to address testing standards, the Uniform Guidelines, and concepts derived from test litigation).
- Test Item Survey Workbook (Excel workbook with over 10 programmed sheets) that can be used to input data from the Test Item Survey, tabulate the results, and screen test items for addressing specified test validation criteria.
-Test Analysis Workbook which is used for inputting item Angoff ratings, setting a "critical score," conducting rater reliability and rater panel reliability analyses (and "outlier" raters), importing test score data, conducting item analysis (including point-biserial, item difficulty, and differential item functioning analyses to analyze test item bias), and test-level analyses (including Cronbach's Alpha, Kuder Richardson or KR-21 reliability, mean, standard deviation, classical standard error of measurement, and conditional standard error of measurement), setting a modified Angoff cutoff score using the procedure followed in the U.S. v. South Carolina case, and analyzing the cutoffs for adverse impact using the Fisher Exact (with mid-P correction) statistic and practical significance tests.



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